Results are in!

Sorry for the wait folks! We have finally completed the results. However, there were some technical difficulties and there is one time completely missed and a couple of splits that were missed. Very sorry about the error and there is no excuse for it. Myself and the help I had timing were doing this for the first time so I guess I'm glad we didn't mess up any more.

Here we go! Thanks to everyone that came to camp and race. Without the racers, our great volunteers wouldn't have had anyone to work for.

Expert Men’s – in order by overall place.
1 Cam Kirkpatrick 27:38, 55:10, 1:24:07, 1:52:27
2 Kevin McConnell 27:38, 55:10, 1:24:22, 1:53:38
3 Brian Fuhrmann 28:03, 57:20, 1:27:26, 1:58:36
4 Trevor Rockwell 28:28, 58:50, 1:30:02, 2:01:07
5 Scott Gall 27:38, 55:10, 1:26:24, 2:01:34
6 Nathan Clue 29:34, 1:01:49, 1:32:00, 2:04:03
7 Karl Tillman 29:58, 1:01:16, 1:32:55, 2:04:32
8 Steve Bullerman 30:47, 1:02:01, 1:33:44, 2:05:20
9 Jason Alroad 31:26, 1:04:02, 1:37:19, 2:11:42
10 Rick Blackford 31:30, 1:04:20, 1:37:53, 2:11:44
11 Rob Houlihan 29:21, 1:01:30, 1:33:27, 2:13:46
12 Bruce Reese 33:10, 1:07:54, 1:42:57, 2:18:42
13 John Adamson 32:50, 1:07:18, 1:44:03, 2:19:30
14 Brian Kingsbury 31:09, 1:05:54, DNF

Expert Men's 35+.

1 Steve Bullerman 30:47, 1:02:01, 1:33:44, 2:05:20
2 Jason Alroad 31:26, 1:04:02, 1:37:19, 2:11:42
3 Bruce Reese 33:10, 1:07:54, 1:42:57, 2:18:42
4 John Adamson 32:50, 1:07:18, 1:44:03, 2:19:30

Expert Men's Open.

1 Cam Kirkpatrick 27:38, 55:10, 1:24:07, 1:52:27
2 Kevin McConnell 27:38, 55:10, 1:24:22, 1:53:38
3 Brian Fuhrmann 28:03, 57:20, 1:27:26, 1:58:36
4 Trevor Rockwell 28:28, 58:50, 1:30:02, 2:01:07
5 Scott Gall 27:38, 55:10, 1:26:24, 2:01:34
6 Nathan Clue 29:34, 1:01:49, 1:32:00, 2:04:03
7 Karl Tillman 29:58, 1:01:16, 1:32:55, 2:04:32
8 Jason Alroad 31:26, 1:04:02, 1:37:19, 2:11:42
9 Rick Blackford 31:30, 1:04:20, 1:37:53, 2:11:44
10 Rob Houlihan 29:21, 1:01:30, 1:33:27, 2:13:46
11 Brian Kingsbury 31:09, 1:05:54, DNF
Expert Women’s – In order by overall place

1 Robin Williams 31:26, 1:04:07, 1:38:45, 2:14:38
2 Cassandra Kessler 33:59, 1:11:32, 1:58:48, 2:29:58
3 Kelly Shannon 35:40, 1:21:13, 1:55:32, 2:33:51
4 Brittany McConnell 33:50, 1:11:25, 1:53:24, 2:34:10
5 Julie Vardamann 35:10, 1:21:13, 2:01:28, 2:44:28
6 Kristen Reese 44:25, 1:30:29, 2:18:38, 3:09:09

Sport Men’s – In order by Overall Place

1 Neal Groteluscher 30:23, 1:00:26
2 Ryan Neipert 30:29, 1:01:13
3 John Johnson , 1:01:37
4 John Newell 30:56, 1:02:10
5 Daniel Galles 31:19, 1:02:20
6 Kyle Sedore 31:20, 1:02:38
7 Adam Prosise , 1:03:10
8 Ryan Vantiouweling , 1:03:20
9 Andrew Bach 32:10, 1:04:23
10 Keith Schoop , 1:04:33
11 Jubil Young 31:10, 1:04:34
12 Ken Sherman 32:48, 1:05:04
13 Jason Plunkett 32:10, 1:05:20
14 Jody Gorsh 32:10, 1:05:44
15 Kyle Williams , 1:05:49
16 Landon Beachy 32:38, 1:05:50
17 John Peters 32:44, 1:06:19
18 Dennis Grelk 33:41, 1:07:12
19 Jamie Voss 33:21, 1:07:25
20 Joe Zuniga 33:30, 1:07:34
21 Chris Cornelison 33:07, 1:08:36
22 Jackson Philby 34:05, 1:08:57
23 Will Stone 34:40, 1:10:13
24 Christopher Ridder 33:40, 1:11:10
25 Bruce Brown 35:36, 1:11:58
26 Kurt Benson 35:58, 1:12:49
27 Paul Struck 35:26, 1:13:11
28 Jordan Johnson 32:06, 1:16:23
29 Josh Kerschen 38:30, 1:17:43
30 Steve Reitz 41:55, 1:23:48
31 Ben Fiedler 41:50, 1:24:47
32 Behediht Sehermuly 42:50, 1:32:32
33 Thomas Cameron 47:09, 1:34:27
34 Jim Logan 33:20, 1:46:47
Eric Jensen DNF

Sport Men's Open.

1 Ryan Neipert 30:29, 1:01:13
2 John Johnson , 1:01:37
3 John Newell 30:56, 1:02:10
4 Daniel Galles 31:19, 1:02:20
5 Kyle Sedore 31:20, 1:02:38
6 Adam Prosise , 1:03:10
7 Ryan Vantiouweling , 1:03:20
8 Andrew Bach 32:10, 1:04:23
9 Keith Schoop , 1:04:33
10 Jubil Young 31:10, 1:04:34
11 Ken Sherman 32:48, 1:05:04
12 Jody Gorsh 32:10, 1:05:44
13 Kyle Williams , 1:05:49
14 Jackson Philby 34:05, 1:08:57
15 Will Stone 34:40, 1:10:13
16 Christopher Ridder 33:40, 1:11:10
17 Bruce Brown 35:36, 1:11:58
18 Paul Struck 35:26, 1:13:11
19 Jordan Johnson 32:06, 1:16:23
20 Steve Reitz 41:55, 1:23:48
21 Ben Fiedler 41:50, 1:24:47
22 Behediht Sehermuly 42:50, 1:32:32
23 Thomas Cameron 47:09, 1:34:27
Eric Jensen DNF

Sport Men's 35+.

1 Neal Groteluscher 30:23, 1:00:26
2 Jason Plunkett 32:10, 1:05:20

3 Joe Zuniga 33:30, 1:07:34
4 Chris Cornelison 33:07, 1:08:36
5 Kurt Benson 35:58, 1:12:49
6 Josh Kerschen 38:30, 1:17:43

Sport Men's 45+.

1 Landon Beachy 32:38, 1:05:50
2 John Peters 32:44, 1:06:19
3 Jim Logan 33:20, 1:46:47

Sport Men's Single Speed.

1 Dennis Grelk 33:41, 1:07:12
2 Jamie Voss 33:21, 1:07:25

Sport Women – In order by overall place.

1 Sally Logan 38:16, 1:17:11
2 Kathleen Porter 40:17, 1:23:38
3 Maria Ruthenberg 45:26, 1:29:00
4 Cheryl Drake 45:00, 1:32:10
5 Karmen Woelber 47:08, 1:38:26
6 Marianne Schroeder 54:58, 1:57:26
7 Elaine Kay 51:38, 1:45:45

Sport Women Open.

1 Sally Logan 38:16, 1:17:11
2 Cheryl Drake 45:00, 1:32:10
3 Karmen Woelber 47:08, 1:38:26
4 Elaine Kay 51:38, 1:45:45

Sport Women 35+.

1 Kathleen Porter 40:17, 1:23:38
2 Maria Ruthenberg 45:26, 1:29:00
3 Marianne Schroeder 54:58, 1:57:26

Beginner Men – In order by overall place.

1 Eric Jensen 36:40
2 Tucker young 44:10
3 Brian Uelze 49:30
4 Dustin Mahlstedt 50:40
5 Ethan Bidwell 54:59
6 Andy Rasmussen 56:00
7 Jocoa Kerschen 1:01:20

Beginner Women - In order by overall place.

1 Kathleen Porter 41:17
2 Carrie Van Orden 49:30
3 Deana Kerschen ------ sorry
4 Julie Sedore 56:52

Youth - In order by overall place.

1 Salem Snoop 6:39
2 Kaden Snoop 8:01
3 Morrigan Miller 8:02
4 Catrae Kerschen 9:51
5 Maya Kerschen 10:07
6 Lauren Dirksen 10:24

We would also like to give a huge thank you to all our Sponsors and Volunteers! What great help you are are and we greatly appreciate you.

Doughy Joeys for the great food and support!
Bike Tech for the swag deals and the generous donation of the Surly frame!
Paul's Potty's for the potty!
Ergon for tons of amazing grips!
Twin 6 for shirts, bottles and hats!
Road I.D. for the killer deal on race numbers!

My gosh, if I am missing someone here PLEASE kick me in the head!

Also, this spring race funded a full time summer camp staff person to be solely work in the mountain bike program which is something that has never happened before. We are hoping to really connect with the scouts this summer and plant the biking seed so it can grow. Also, we are still saving and planning to have a low water crossing built to connect the North and South side trails together once again.

Ingawanis Mountain Biking!


Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone. We all had a great weekend. Course was awesome!!

Bruce Reese

bfiedler said...

Here is some helmet cam footage from the first lap:
Hope to have more footage up later. Let me know if you have any requests. :)